Faith Communities

We know that the right help, information or service when you or your family needs it can be key to managing your day-to-day needs. The following list of resources may help you find what you need.
COMOCONNECTS is a non-denominational service. If you need assistance, we are happy to connect you with the faith organization of your preference, contact us for more information at 651-642-1127.
When using this list, please note:
COMOCONNECTS is a non-denominational service. If you need assistance, we are happy to connect you with the faith organization of your preference, contact us for more information at 651-642-1127.
When using this list, please note:
- We have not done independent review or background checks for the independent contractors in this list so be sure you ask them about their fees, services, insurance and review.
- This list is not comprehensive. We will continue to update the resources as we identify additional resources that meet the needs of seniors in our service area. Check back for more information.